Policy CTY11 – Farm Diversification

Again very rarely used but usually successfully. This policy allows for the expansion and diversification of the farm business and new building to support this expansion. Generally this policy has been used for farm shops or on farm food production and preparation but this policy is not restricted to such ventures and is open to a wide interpretation including some tourism schemes.

Planning permission will be granted for a farm or forestry diversification proposal where it has been demonstrated that it is to be run in conjunction with the agricultural operations on the farm. The following criteria will apply: 

  1. the farm or forestry business is currently active and established;
  2. in terms of character and scale it is appropriate to its location;
  3. it will not have an adverse impact on the natural or built heritage; and
  4. it will not result in detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby residential dwellings including potential problems arising from noise, smell and pollution.

The Planning department promote the re-use or adaptation of existing farm buildings, however it is not set in stone.

Exceptionally, a new building may be permitted where there is no existing building available to accommodate the proposed use, either because they are essential for the maintenance of the existing farm enterprise, are clearly unsuitable for adaptation and re-use or cannot be adapted to meeting the requirements of other statutory agencies.

Where a new building is justified it should be satisfactorily integrated with an existing group of buildings.

If you are thinking of starting a new venture on a farm, we would be happy to advise you on the best way to go about it, just get in contact here.