Outline Planning Permission Length
We are frequently approached by clients who have recently purchased land with Outline Planning permission or those who are thinking or purchasing land with OPP.
We are frequently approached by clients who have recently purchased land with Outline Planning permission or those who are thinking or purchasing land with OPP.
Outline Planning Permission has a duration of 5 years usually; however, the time limited condition of any application can be bespoke. The first 3 years are generally the reseved matters period but the approval is valid for 5 years generally.
OPP establishes the principle of development on a portion of land. Your application normally gets submitted to your local council by an Architect for review.
Often land is sold with OPP for a purpose such as a self build project. If you have purchased a site or are thinking of doing so, we advise that you check when the planning permission was first granted.
When you obtain OPP you need to submit a Reserved Matters application within the 3 year time frame from your first date of approval.
Submitting Reserved Matters application you must include detailed drawings which proposes where the dwelling will sit, the access to the development and the design of the property. Most importantly this design must comply with all the conditions of your outline or it will not be accepted as a reserve matters and will be a new full application on the site.
This proposal needs to be complete with external appearance and landscaping.
2020 Architects can help you with the submission of the Reserved Matters application, ensuring you include all requirements and meet all regulations.
You still have options. If the 3 year time frame for submitting the Reserved Matters passes and you are within the 5 years of the original approval decision, you can still apply for full planning permission. Your local Council will still accept full planning permission applications during this 2 year period.
2020 Architects can assist you with any queries you may have in relation to Outline Planning Permission. Our friendly and professional team can design and submit your detailed plans which are required to gain Full Planning Permission approval. Chat with us today.